Archive for April, 2013

Alf Avenue ~

So, I haven’t posted in a million years, and this won’t be long… But things you should know: 

We bought a house and we moved. It’s a remodel, we don’t have a kitchen yet (should have one next week!) and our bathroom sink currently drains into a bucket, but it works, which is the point. It’s been QUITE an adventure – also a pretty awesome one – we’ve only wanted to kill each other about 7 times, much less often now that both the toilet and shower are functioning!

Our street is awesome, quiet, close enough to town that my bike ride to campus and the boathouse are both right around 20 minutes, which is AMAZING.

Also, SXSW happened. I owe photos from that! It just happened to fall during our first week of home ownership and bathroom demolition, so it was a little complicated. We had a blast! First year with wristbands, which we will definitely do again. Also got to hang with Bob Gehrman and Co. for a few shows and some delicious Mexican Food! Overall, great success. I even got a photo with American Idol, Kris Allen! 

FINALLY, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: I had this great idea about blogging our remodel progress. What I failed to realize is that there’s no time for that when you’re doing a remodel ~ SO, pictures will have to suffice!

CLICK HERE for those, and try to keep an open mind! You won’t even recognize it in a few weeks 🙂

More once the kitchen’s in!